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Hidden Depths: The Real Impact Below the Surface of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Episode 3)
Origins of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch: How Did We Get Here? (Episode 2)
Joe Rogan Tells Us What The Navy Saw While Diving in the Ocean
Into the Abyss: Chemosynthetic Oases (Full Movie)
Elon Musk Tells Us What The Navy Saw While Diving in the Ocean
A Plastic Ocean
The Peculiar Life of Cold Seeps
How 77 Expensive Products Are Made By Masters | So Expensive | Business Insider
The Best 'If You See This, Walk Away' Moments
What They Discovered in the Ocean Surprised the Whole World
Underwater Mysteries More Intriguing Than The Titanic Submarine
Great White Sharks, Whales, Ocean Floor Metals, Ocean Plastic Plague | 60 Minutes Full Episodes